Bubbling Over Hotel → Caribbean Isle Inn → Caribbean Isle Hotel → Staff housing for the Bahia Principe
Bubbling Over Hotel. On the beach with coffee shop, bar and swimming pool. It had 14 rooms and 28 beds.
- In October 1968 the hotel enterprise was approved.
- There were periodic ads in the Gleaner from 1970 to 1972. See clippings.
- In October 1973 it was leased by American interests for seven years and became the Caribbean Isle Inn. The hotel was being managed by Mr. Oswald Alberga. Under this name there was no mention of a bar. Only a coffee shop.
- It is listed in the December 1973 rate list as Bubbling Over. Publication date too close to update the name.
- In March 1978 the small pub Caribbean Isle remains closed, with the owners away in Cayman. Did someone take over the pub and run it independently from the hotel?
- Ads appeared in the Gleaner until Fall 1988. The hotel was included in long lists into 1995.
- A decade or more gap...?
- It now houses staff for the Bahía Principé Hotels (opened December 2006).