Hotel Coral Cliff, Jamaica Clippings

Hotel Coral Cliff
The Jamaica Bulletin: Hotels and Boarding Houses: January 1930

Jamaica Bulletin Jan 1930 15b

Hotel Coral Cliff
The Jamaica Bulletin: Hotels and Boarding Houses: 1933

Jamaica Bulletin 1933 15b

Coral Cliff Hotel
Jamaica for Vacations: circa 1930s

Jamaica for Vacations 51b

Hotel Coral Cliff
The West Indian Review: Autumn 1947

West Indian Review 1947 3 p48

Coral Cliff Hotel
Pleasure Island 1955

Pleasure Island 1955 162c

Coral Cliff Hotel
Focus on Montego Bay: August 1960

Focus on Montego Bay 1960 p15h

Coral Cliff Hotel
Focus on Jamaica's Northshore: November 1960

Focus on Northshore 1960 p48f

Coral Cliff Hotel
Pleasure Island 1961

Pleasure Island 1961 176a

Coral Cliff Hotel
Jamaica in '67…of All Places: March 1967

Jamaica in 67 p18a
Jamaica in 67 p18d

Coral Cliff Hotel
Inns of Jamaica: 1977

Inns of Jamaica 1977 5a
Inns of Jamaica 1977 5d