Windsor Hotel, Jamaica Clippings

Windsor Hotel
Jamaica Handbook and Guide 1935

Jamaica Handbook and Guide 1935 p127a

Windsor Manor Hotel
Kingston Gleaner Issue Date: April 1, 1939

Kingston Gleaner 1939 04 01 p34a

The Windsor Hotel
The West Indian Review: December 5, 1953

West Indian Review 1953 12 05 26b

Windsor Hotel
Pleasure Island 1955

Pleasure Island 1955 159

Windsor Hotel
Pleasure Island 1955

Pleasure Island 1955 160a

Windsor Hotel
Pleasure Island 1955

Pleasure Island 1955 246b

Windsor Hotel
The West Indian Review: March 26, 1955

West Indian Review 1955 03 26 p30c

Windsor Hotel
The West Indian Review: April 1956

West Indian Review 1956 04 p56a

Windsor Hotel
Kingston Gleaner Issue Date: December 3, 1957

Kingston Gleaner 1957 12 03 p14f

Windsor Hotel
Key to Jamaica: March 1960

Key to Jamaica Mar 1960 p07f

Windsor Hotel
Pleasure Island 1961

Pleasure Island 1961 172d

Windsor Hotel
Where to Stay c1961

Where to Stay 14c

Windsor Great House Hotel
The West Indian Review: March 1962

West Indian Review 1962 03 p04b

Windsor Great House Hotel
The West Indian Review: May 1962

West Indian Review 1962 05 p10

Windsor Great House Hotel
The West Indian Review: June 1962

West Indian Review 1962 06 p30c

Windsor Great House Hotel
The West Indian Review: September 1962

West Indian Review 1962 09 p31a

Windsor Great House Hotel
The West Indian Review: January 1963

West Indian Review 1963 01 p30b

Windsor Hotel
Focus on Jamaica: November 1963

Focus on Jamaica 1963 Nov p66

The Windsor
Focus on Jamaica: February 1964

Focus on Jamaica 1964 Feb 66

Windsor Hotel
Jamaica in '67…of All Places: March 1967

Jamaica in 67 p22a
Jamaica in 67 p22e

The Windsor Hotel
Kingston Gleaner Issue Date: July 5, 1970

Kingston Gleaner 1970 07 05 p088