Bamboo Lodge, Jamaica Photos

Captain Forwood's Residence. "The Cottage" 1890s
Captain Forwood's Residence. "The Cottage", St. Andrew's Mountains, Jamaica. From a Late 19th Century Victorian Photograph by J. W. C. Brennan, c. 1895. Collection: The Royal Commonwealth Society, London, England. From the Jamaica Colonial Heritage Society Facebook group.

Forwood residence 1895

An expanded view (with some added RGB) by Robert J Lancashire.

Forwood residence 1895 color

Map of Cottage Estate
Cottage Estate, near Irish Town, St. Andrew in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. Detail from a Late 19th Century Map by Thomas Harrison, c. 1880. Collection: The National Library of Jamaica, Kingston, Jamaica.

Cottage map

Bamboo Lodge
From a Photograph taken in the 1950s. Collection: Andre Chin, Kingston, via the Jamaica Colonial Heritage Society Facebook group.

Bamboo Lodge 1950s

Bamboo Lodge Verandah
From a Photograph taken in the 1950s. Collection: Andre Chin, Kingston, via the Jamaica Colonial Heritage Society Facebook group.

Bamboo Lodge Verandah