Upper Deck Hotel → Upper Deck Hotel & Condominium → Upper Deck Hotel and Apartment Complex → Upper Deck Apartments
Montego Bay: Miranda Hill/Downtown
Upper Deck Hotel.
- In June 1969 the Upper Deck Hotel with 105 air-conditioned apartments on 2-1/2 acres was opened. Plus a restaurant glassed to afford an all round view, capable of accommodating about 140 people. It was financed and built by Jamaican interests.
- On May 31, 1978 some 100 workers were laid off and the hotel closed. At the end of November an accord was reached and the hotel reopened.
- By 1987 it was a condominium and was called Upper Deck Hotel & Condominium. Then it was Upper Deck Hotel and Apartment Complex.
- By the turn of the century the hotel part was gone.
- Now some Upper Deck Apartments owners do rent their apartments, though no building website found.