Corniche Villas. Queen's Drive. Located just under the courts of the Montego Bay Racquet Club. Corniche Great House is a collection of 14 kitchenette studio apartments arranged in the style of an 18th century sugar plantation on the site of an ancient Spanish fort. Corniche Villas is a group of four houses.
- The villas were built by 1955 by Mr. and Mrs. White.
- The Whites owned Corniche through the additional building of 24, then 36 studio apartments (some in cottages) located slightly up the hill across Queens Drive.
- There was a swimming pool that was sunk into the rocks from 225 feet above the level of Montego Bay. And sporting facilities.
- They sold off the original Villas, then the Apartments, by the early 1980's, as they aged.
- The apartments are now Montego Garden Apartments. The pool house has grown and is now Sabrina restaurant and Enterprise Rent-a-Car. The swimming pool can be seen in front.