Sheraton-Kingston Hotel, Jamaica Postcards

Sheraton Kingston Hotel Low-Rises 1962
Business is a pleasure at the Sheraton-Kingston Hotel. GREAT COMFORT: Air-Conditioned everywhere. Balcony off each guest room. GREAT FUN: Garden Patio Swimming Pool, Convivial Calypso Lounges, Fascinating Restaurants, too.
Pub. by International Hotel Supply Co, Boston
Lusterchrome, Made by Tichnor Bros, Boston K-10943
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Sheraton Kingston Hotel Low-Rises & Pool 1962
Business is a pleasure at the Sheraton-Kingston Hotel. GREAT COMFORT: Air-Conditioned everywhere. Balcony off each guest room. GREAT FUN: Garden Patio Swimming Pool, Convivial Calypso Lounges, Fascinating Restaurants, too.
Lusterchrome, Made by Tichnor Bros, Boston K-11747
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Sheraton Kingston Hotel Pool 1963
Business is a pleasure at the Sheraton-Kingston Hotel. GREAT COMFORT: Air-Conditioned everywhere. Balcony off each guest room. GREAT FUN: Garden Patio Swimming Pool, Convivial Calypso Lounges, Fascinating Restaurants, too.
Design/Print, Miami. FNC 4930 81926
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Sheraton Kingston Hotel Main Entrance ©1965
The Novelty Trading Co. DT-4459-C
Genuine Natural Color by Dexter Press, West Nyack W6
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Sheraton Kingston Hotel Pool ©1965
The Novelty Trading Co. DT-4460-C
Genuine Natural Color by Dexter Press, West Nyack W7
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Sheraton-Kingston Hotel with New High-Rise ©1972
The Sheraton-Kingston Hotel is one of the largest in Jamaica. This view shows the high rise block which has been recently built.
The Novelty Trading Co. DT-78172-C. D.D.D. Ltd.
Pub. By The Novelty Trading Co., Ltd., Kingston, Jamaica
Made by Dexter Color Canada, Cornwall, Ont. Canada
Authentic Jamaica Scene
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Sheraton-Kingston Hotel with New High-Rise ©1972
The Sheraton-Kingston Hotel is one of the largest in Jamaica. This view shows the high rise block which has been recently built.
The Novelty Trading Co. DT-78172-C. D.D.D. Ltd.
Pub. By The Novelty Trading Co., Ltd., Kingston, Jamaica
Made by Dexter Color Canada, Cornwall, Ont. Canada
Authentic Jamaica Scene
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Sheraton-Kingston Hotel Taken from High-Rise
400 spacious rooms, all with private balconies, 10 minutes from downtown Kingston. Gracious Spanish Main restaurant, exciting Jonkanoo Lounge, leisurely terrace dining. Golf, tennis, fishing, yachting, skindiving, freeport shopping. Airport limo service. Sheraton Makes It Happen.
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Sheraton-Kingston Hotel Picture Collage
For business or pleasure Sheraton-Kingston says it all.
"The Top" Roof-top restaurant
"Jonkanoo Lounge" Cocktails – Floor Shows – Dancing
"Pepperpot Coffee Shop & Terrace" Informal dining
Printed by Lithographic Printers Ltd.
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