Blairgowrie Hotel, Reading. It was at an elevation of 165 feet (300 feet claimed).
- Built about the time of the First World War by the Crichton family of Montego Bay
- They first advertised in a newspaper in 1956. The hotel was still owned by the Crichton family.
- In 1971 the first of four three bedroom, three bathroom villas with swimming pools was under construction.
- At some point it was the Plantation Hill Hotel. Needs research.
- By 1980, Chuck Munyon took over Plantation Hill and transformed it into a successful country club.
- This last appears on the 1983 map.
- In 1990 the property was for sale at an auction.
- At some point Christ for the Nations owned it.
- In 2019 the property was listed as ocean view prime investment/development opportunity. Two buildings of six flats and large detached villa. It is now the Youth With A Mission, (YWAM) Montego Bay [has today's view from the pool].
- It appears that buildings have been added.
Wikimapia satellite picture. The hotel's second pool (the saltwater one) can be seen north-northeast of the property along the water, with a small beach and pier. The pool is being neglected.