Harvey Beach Hotel, Rose Hall, Ironshore
- Open 1968. It had 10 rooms for 20 persons.
- Last mention of the Harvey Hotel in the Gleaner is 1983.
- The first mention of the Cariblue Hotel is February 1986. This was Arthur M. Watkin's first venture in the hospitality business.
- In 1993 it is the Cariblue Beach Resort Hotel.
- In 2003 it is the Cariblue Beach Hotel.
- At some point it became the Cariblue Beach and Scuba Diving Resort.
- Their 2011 website.
- Arthur Watkin died November 12, 2011.
- No current website for Cariblue found, but there are pictures at TripAdvisor. And all the booking sites list the inexpensive hotel. Just too budget to have a website.
- The restaurant on the hotel property is now Smokeez by the Sea.